Our Services
AMH maintains a wide network of contacts with producers and suppliers in almost all commodity fields around the world. Its specialty is matching qualified buyers and sellers across national boundaries at the best possible price. And its main areas of activity have included:

Crude Oil
AMH’s long-standing relationships at every point along the crude oil supply chain – from a wide variety of consumer companies to an impressive number of refineries and shippers worldwide – provides us with the ability to operate with agility in today’s rapidly changing crude oil environment.

Fuel Oil
AMH also maintains equivalent capabilities in the realm of fuel oils and other refined petroleum products.

COAL and Other Mineral Products
We have also developed relationships with coal producers and consumers in the Far East and the Western Hemisphere. Likewise, AMH is capable of acquiring and brokering transactions involving other minerals – including bauxite, iron ore and copper.

SUGAR and Other Agricultural Commodities
AMH has developed the capacity to operate in the international markets for raw and refined sugar and other key agricultural commodities – most particularly on the basis of strong network of contacts in Brazil and elsewhere in Latin America.